The spiraling cost of fuel is making a big impact on our everyday lives. It seems late in the day but eventually car manufacturers are starting to get cars that run on water ready for the production line. People like the late Stan Meyers have know it for years but the "powers that be" have been slow to react.
There is a high demand for alternative fuels in the market and yet the answer is all around us and in plentiful supply. Water. Water fueled cars are a reality and many people are using this technology to save money and improve the environment. The kits that are now available are tried and tested and relatively easy to install. More and more people worldwide are discovering the benefits every day not least of which is how to beat fuel prices.
While the manufactures and governments drag their heels you are spending needless money on your car fuel costs. However, you can do something more than stand on the sidelines and wait for them. You can convert your own car to run on water or a water and gas mixture.
A conversion to a water fueled car is not expensive and it is not so difficult to achieve. If you are not handy with a basic tool kit then your local mechanic will no doubt be able to do the job for you. Your motor will lose no power and you will save thousands in gas bills. While you are burning cleaner fuel the environment will thank you too.
The basic principles behind using fuel and water fuel technologies are not difficult to understand. By using an electrical pulse created by your car's battery, you will be converting water to powerful hydrogen fuel called HHO. HHO, also called Brown's Gas, Water-Fuel or Hydroxy, burns beautifully and provides a mass of energy - while the end product is ...yes, you guessed.. WATER! Mobile Magazine says: "HHO provides the atomic power of Hydrogen, while maintaining the chemical stability of water."
The US alone spends billions a day on its oil based fuels...billions. Where does all that fuel come from? The Middle East and Venezuela provide much of it but the US has water all around it and in it. So why not use it? Some would have you believe that storing the fuel would be too hazardous but you don't need to store it. You produce it on demand within your own vehicle. It doesn't matter what vehicle either. You can convert motors whether they are carb/fuel injection models, gasoline (petrol), diesel or turbo-diesel. They can be old or new, your work truck, ATV, motor homes, SUV's and even the big rigs can and are converted to produce clean running economical motoring.
If you remember Arlo Guthrie and Alice's Restaurant you will appreciate that this conversion is not a "faddy" thing or a passing trend, it is becoming an entire movement. People are joining it daily, learning how they can beat fuel prices and enjoying the benefits. You may not think of yourself in terms of "going green" but that is what you will be doing and you will be better off in your pocket when you do.
If you would like to enjoy the benefits of a quieter, cleaner driving experience, an enhanced motor performance with reduced maintenance bills than you should investigate water fueled cars for yourself. You will find plenty of information on Google so you can decide for yourself what is best for you and your family, your vehicles and/or your business.
1 Great Tip on How to Beat Fuel Prices Using Water
Saving money and helping to save the planet all at the same time is a great ideal. Water and oil may not mix but with a special conversion kit you can have a water fueled car standing in your driveway that will achieve both these goals.
Andy Fellow is always looking for ways to help save money and beat fuel prices [] and you can discover more tips at []